Sunday, June 19, 2011

Reading Schedule for June 19-25

Psalm 19:7-11
7 The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. 9 The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the LORD are firm, and all of them are righteous. 10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. 11 By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

Schedule and Tips:
2010-11 Reading Schedule
Tips for Daily Bible Readers

June 19 -
Jeremiah 28:1-29:32
/ Revelation 17:1-18 / Proverbs 6:12-19

June 20 -
Jeremiah 30:1-31:26 / Revelation 18:1-24
/ Proverbs 6:20-29

June 21 -
Jeremiah 31:27-32:44
/ Revelation 19:1-21 / Proverbs 6:30-35

June 22 -
Jeremiah 33:1-34:22
/ Revelation 20:1-15 / Proverbs 7:1-5

June 23 -
Jeremiah 35:1-36:32
/ Revelation 21:1-27 / Proverbs 7:6-20

June 24 -
Jeremiah 37:1-38:28
/ Revelation 22:1-21 / Proverbs 7:21-27

June 25 -
Jeremiah 39:1-41:18
/ Matthew 1:1-2:12 / Proverbs 8:1-11

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