Deuteronomy 28:1-68
Acts 10:1-23
Psalm 57:1-6
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Focus Verses:
Psalm 57:4-7
4 I am in the midst of lions; I lie among ravenous beasts—men whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords. 5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. 6 They spread a net for my feet—I was bowed down in distress. They dug a pit in my path—but they have fallen into it themselves. 7 My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.
See 1 Samuel 24 to read the story behind the Psalm
The Psalms in today's reading are filled with descriptions of perils juxtaposed with expressions praise. In one breath David described the tongues of his enemies as sharp swords, but then in the next breath David's tongue began to praise his God. He thought of his enemies and described the trap they had spread for his feet, but his next thought was the recognition that his enemies would be the ones to ultimately trip and fall.
Many things were crumbling down around him, but David's heart was steadfast. He was confident that by God's grace he would not be brought down, and so he lifted up his voice in songs of praise.
Response & Action:
When I think of the fears and challenges in my life, I will lift them up to God in prayer. And as I cry out for help, I will also sing songs of honor and trust. I will punctuate my pleas for help with shouts of praise. Every problem I recount to God will be accompanied with an expression of hope and adoration. Every time I think of the things that threaten to bring me down, I will give thanks to the Lord who has promised to hold me up.
O God, I live in a world of danger, but you are a God of deliverance. There are things that scare me, but you have promised to save me. Traps have been set to pull me down, but your truth has been given to hold me up. In the face of every peril, I will give you praise. Thank you for Christ Jesus who has both promised and proved that you are the faithful God who has defeated every enemy—even death. Nothing can defeat those who have placed their confidence in you by trusting in your Son, our Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit--one God now and forever. Amen.
Spiritual Formation Verses: 2 Timothy 1:12b
12b I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.
Faith & Doubt
by John Ortberg