Sunday, September 06, 2015

September 6 - To the Very End

Today's Reading:
Psalm 119:105-112
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Psalm 119:105-112
105 Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path.
106 I have taken an oath and confirmed it,
    that I will follow your righteous laws.
107 I have suffered much;
    preserve my life, Lord, according to your word.
108 Accept, Lord, the willing praise of my mouth,
    and teach me your laws.
109 Though I constantly take my life in my hands,
    I will not forget your law.
110 The wicked have set a snare for me,
    but I have not strayed from your precepts.
111 Your statutes are my heritage forever;
    they are the joy of my heart.
112 My heart is set on keeping your decrees
    to the very end.

Response and Action:
God's word is a light that shows me where to go. It brings me through suffering. It moves me to praise. It gives me courage. It helps me avoid the snares of the wicked. It helps me build a legacy. It gives me joy. That's why my heart is set on the word and why I will cling to it to the very end.

The Useful Breath reading schedule for 2015-16 starts up on Sunday, September 13th.
Click Here to view, print, or download the new 2015-2016 Schedule as a pdf document.

Today through September 12, I will be posting meditations from Psalm 119 that remind us of the ways Scripture shapes and informs the believer's life.

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