Thursday, July 26, 2007

July 26 - Something Useful

Today's Reading:
O.T. - Ezekiel 13 - 15
N.T. - John 15:1-17

Focus Verses:
Ezekiel 15:1-6
1 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 "Son of man, how is the wood of a vine better than that of a branch on any of the trees in the forest? 3 Is wood ever taken from it to make anything useful? Do they make pegs from it to hang things on? 4 And after it is thrown on the fire as fuel and the fire burns both ends and chars the middle, is it then useful for anything? 5 If it was not useful for anything when it was whole, how much less can it be made into something useful when the fire has burned it and it is charred? 6 "Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: As I have given the wood of the vine among the trees of the forest as fuel for the fire, so will I treat the people living in Jerusalem."

Though the nations surrounding Israel were strong, wealthy, skilled, and capable of great accomplishment, God had not spared them from judgment. Compared to the nations around them, Israel had become weak and useless. Any tree in the forest is stronger than a vine. God was Israel's strength, but they had rejected God. If the trees (the strong nations who had rejected God) could not survive the fire, how much less could a dried up vine (Israel) survive?

Response and Action:
We were not meant to live without God. No one, regardless of how strong they are, can reject God and still expect to live life to the fullest. I must recognize my weakness and my need for God. I must live with reverence toward God and be sure my life is rooted in Him. Living in connection with God is the only way to have a fruitful, fulfilling, and useful life.

O God, I am nothing on my own. I consider all my strengths to be nothing compared to the surpassing value of knowing you. Help me to draw near to you, to mature in my relationship with you, and to find my strength and purpose in you. Encourage me by your Spirit, through your Word, your people, your promises, and all that is beautiful and true. Amen.

Proverbs: 26:12
"Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him."


Life on the Vine
by Philip D. Kenneson